I just purchased a new MSP-EXP430G2 Launchpad , plugged it into my PC with USB and tried to deploy a 'hello world' application, but Code Composer isn't recognizing my board! I have browsed, researched, explored and tried a large set of existing E2E debug resolution attempts on "fail to connect to COM/FET" topics and threads, and nothing has helped resolve... :( Here is my current status - Configuration Launchpad MSP-EXP430G2 is connected to PC via USB CCS Error (when debug is pressed) MSPFlasher Report Project Configuration Note that the project is also attached as a zip Question What's the issue here, why won't CCS connected to the Launchpad, deploy and debug code? Useful Context I have a large swath of currently working Launchpads right now - CC3200 Launchpad, CC2650 Launchpad, 430F5529 Launchpad, Tiva TM4C Launchpad... Any help is immensely appreciated! Such a dang bummer, eager to play this weekend too!! :)