Greetings I've been attempting DMA to and from a device using DMA whereas DMA too the device works fine. DMA from the device does not. DMA To (works) //!DONE DMA macro definitions for module #define SR_DMATX DMACTL0_L #define SR_DMARX DMACTL0_H #define SR_DMATXCTL DMA0CTL #define SR_DMATXTRG DMACTL0_L #define SR_DMATXSA DMA0SA #define SR_DMATXDA DMA0DA #define SR_DMATXSZ DMA0SZ #define SR_DMARXCTL DMA1CTL #define SR_DMARXTRG DMACTL0_H #define SR_DMARXSA DMA1SA #define SR_DMARXDA DMA1DA #define SR_DMARXSZ DMA1SZ #define SR_DMA_RX_TRIG DMA0TSEL__USCIB1RX #define SR_DMA_TX_TRIG DMA0TSEL__USCIB1TX #define SR_DMA_BA __MSP430_BASEADDRESS_USCI_B1__ #define SR_BRATE UCB1BRW // disable DMA SR_DMATXCTL = 0; // now set up the DMA SR_DMATXSA = (void *)((uint8_t *)source); SR_DMATXDA = (void*)&UCB1TXBUF; // set size SR_DMATXSZ = size; //SR_DMARXSZ = size; // set triggers //SR_DMATX = SR_DMA_TX_TRIG; // set DMA to be interleaved with CPU activity DMACTL4 = ENNMI | DMARMWDIS; SR_DMARXCTL = 0; //SR_DMARX = SR_DMA_RX_TRIG; DMACTL0 = ((DMA0TSEL_0)<<8)|SR_DMA_TX_TRIG; // byte to byte source++ dest single transfer SR_DMATXCTL= DMASBDB | DMASRCINCR_3 | DMADSTINCR_0 | DMADT_0 | DMAEN; // clear any interrupt flags SR_DMATXCTL &= ~DMAIFG; // initial trigger //UCB1TXBUF = *((uint8_t *)source); // toggle trigger to start DMA UCB1IFG &= ~UCTXIFG; UCB1IFG |= UCTXIFG; DMA From Does not work // disable TX DMA SR_DMATXCTL = 0; // now set up the DMA SR_DMATXSA = (void *)&temp; SR_DMATXDA = (void*)&UCB1TXBUF; // set size SR_DMATXSZ = size; SR_DMARXSZ = size; // set DMA to be interleaved with CPU activity DMACTL4 = DMARMWDIS; // disable RX DMA SR_DMARXCTL = 0; // note this can only be written as a word and both triggers // must be written simultaneously //DMACTL0 = (SR_DMA_RX_TRIG)<<8|SR_DMA_TX_TRIG; DMACTL0 = DMA1TSEL__USCIB1RX | DMA0TSEL__USCIB1TX; //__data20_write_long SR_DMARXSA = (void *)&UCB1RXBUF; SR_DMARXDA = destination; // byte to byte source dest single transfer SR_DMARXCTL = DMASBDB | DMASRCINCR_0 | DMADSTINCR_3 | DMADT_0 | DMAEN; // byte to byte source++ dest single transfer SR_DMATXCTL= DMASBDB | DMASRCINCR_0 | DMADSTINCR_0 | DMADT_0 | DMAEN; // initial trigger UCB1IFG &= ~UCTXIFG; UCB1IFG |= UCTXIFG; A few things of note No errata is given (but likely should be) for the fact that DMACTL0_L and DMACTL0_H cannot be individually written to as this will wipe out DMACTL0_H regardless of which you try to write too. These appear to be 16bit ONLY registers and should only be written to as a 16bit register or strange things will happen. The compiler complains for my assignments however it DOES correctly assign 20bit address values to the 20bit registers. This generates straight forward code, the special intrinsic code for this generates some "interesting" code, that works but is far more verbose. DMA To works, but DMA From, the device doesn't do anything. Some of the variable definitions are "missing" because I pruned out stuff that's quite uninteresting. The DMA From just sends 0 paded data to the transmitter (temp variable), and stores the from data from the receive register (with increment), should work but doesn't even start the DMA transfer. Is it because 2 DMA channels are involved? For some reason there is no DMA example code for the F5342. If you have an idea please let me know, I've got it partially working, which isn't all bad. Just confused why the receive code doesn't even start the SPI clock. Thanks! Stephen