Hi Dennis! You are right about this! That is very important nuance. My timing for now was just lucky. I also found a statement in family's guide about TXIFG set. Your suggestion works very good with safer data transmitting. I have one question - is it safe alternative for data transmitting/receiving approach using code below? P1OUT &= ~_CS; //Set _CS LOW UCA0TXBUF = 0x40; //Send Control Byte (Write) while (!(UCBUSY & UCA0STAT)); //Are TX/RX operation in progress? UCA0TXBUF = 0x12; //Access to GPIOA while (!(UCBUSY & UCA0STAT)); //Are TX/RX operation in progress? UCA0TXBUF = data; //Turn ON OUTPUTS while (!(UCBUSY & UCA0STAT)); //Are TX/RX operation in progress? P1OUT |= _CS; //Set _CS HIGH