I am have pretty significant doubts about what code is going into the ROM area on the MSP432P401R . I am using XMS432P401R Rev C on a MSP-EXP432P401R launch pad board. Not sure what is actually burned into the ROM. But I've downloaded msp432ware (which from what I understand is the latest). This is supposed to include driverlib which according to the header in driverlib.h is indeed Here is the structure of the files I'm looking at..... Now if I look at what is in driverlib/driverlib/MSP432P4xx/dma.c and compare against what is in driverlib/rom/MSP432P4XX/driverlib.c there are significant differences. If I'm looking at dma.c vs. the dma parts of driverlib.c, I see things like: notice the Hungarian notation on the right. This is rampant throughout driverlib.c. If this is what is in the ROM it very clearly doesn't match what is in main area of the driverlib. thoughts? eric