Hello all, So I'm trying to combine two of the examples from the MSP432 Ware from the resource explorer. The two examples are: timer_a_pwm_mode and uart_pc_echo_12mhz_brclk using the driver library peripherals. What I'm trying to do by the end of the example is control the duty cycle of the PWM signal through a UART command, but for now I would be happy receiving the echo and setting the duty cycle as the examples do currently. Unfortunately, when I initially tried to combine the programs I received the error: " Error connecting to the target: (Error -614 @ 0x0) The target indicates there is an error condition from a previous SWD request. Clear the error the condition, and try the SWD request again. (Emulation package 6.0.407.3) " But when I run the examples individually, they work as intended. I'm still rather new to the driverlib and C programming, so I'm not sure what issues I am causing. I have included the code which I had stated before is just the two examples put together directly. /* DriverLib Includes */ #include "driverlib.h" /* Standard Includes */ #include #include /* Timer_A PWM Configuration Parameter */ Timer_A_PWMConfig pwmConfig = { TIMER_A_CLOCKSOURCE_SMCLK, TIMER_A_CLOCKSOURCE_DIVIDER_1, 3200, TIMER_A_CAPTURECOMPARE_REGISTER_1, TIMER_A_OUTPUTMODE_RESET_SET, 320 }; const eUSCI_UART_Config uartConfig = { EUSCI_A_UART_CLOCKSOURCE_SMCLK, // SMCLK Clock Source 78, // BRDIV = 78 2, // UCxBRF = 2 0, // UCxBRS = 0 EUSCI_A_UART_NO_PARITY, // No Parity EUSCI_A_UART_LSB_FIRST, // LSB First EUSCI_A_UART_ONE_STOP_BIT, // One stop bit EUSCI_A_UART_MODE, // UART mode EUSCI_A_UART_OVERSAMPLING_BAUDRATE_GENERATION // Oversampling }; int main(void) { /* Halting WDT */ MAP_WDT_A_holdTimer(); /* Selecting P1.2 and P1.3 in UART mode */ MAP_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionInputPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1 | GPIO_PIN2 | GPIO_PIN3, GPIO_PRIMARY_MODULE_FUNCTION); /* Setting DCO to 12MHz */ MAP_CS_setDCOCenteredFrequency(CS_DCO_FREQUENCY_12); /* Configuring UART Module */ MAP_UART_initModule(EUSCI_A0_BASE, &uartConfig); /* Enable UART module */ MAP_UART_enableModule(EUSCI_A0_BASE); /* Enabling interrupts */ MAP_UART_enableInterrupt(EUSCI_A0_BASE, EUSCI_A_UART_RECEIVE_INTERRUPT); MAP_Interrupt_enableInterrupt(INT_EUSCIA0); MAP_Interrupt_enableSleepOnIsrExit(); MAP_Interrupt_enableMaster(); /* Setting MCLK to REFO at 128Khz for LF mode * Setting SMCLK to 64Khz */ MAP_CS_setReferenceOscillatorFrequency(CS_REFO_128KHZ); MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_MCLK, CS_REFOCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1); MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_SMCLK, CS_REFOCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_2); MAP_PCM_setPowerState(PCM_AM_LF_VCORE0); /* Configuring GPIO2.4 as peripheral output for PWM and P6.7 for button * interrupt */ MAP_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN4, GPIO_PRIMARY_MODULE_FUNCTION); MAP_GPIO_setAsInputPinWithPullUpResistor(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1); MAP_GPIO_clearInterruptFlag(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1); MAP_GPIO_enableInterrupt(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1); /* Configuring Timer_A to have a period of approximately 500ms and * an initial duty cycle of 10% of that (3200 ticks) */ MAP_Timer_A_generatePWM(TIMER_A0_BASE, &pwmConfig); /* Enabling interrupts and starting the watchdog timer */ MAP_Interrupt_enableInterrupt(INT_PORT1); MAP_Interrupt_enableSleepOnIsrExit(); MAP_Interrupt_enableMaster(); /* Sleeping when not in use */ while (1) { MAP_PCM_gotoLPM0(); } } /* Port1 ISR - This ISR will progressively step up the duty cycle of the PWM * on a button press */ void PORT1_IRQHandler(void) { uint32_t status = MAP_GPIO_getEnabledInterruptStatus(GPIO_PORT_P1); MAP_GPIO_clearInterruptFlag(GPIO_PORT_P1, status); if (status & GPIO_PIN1) { if(pwmConfig.dutyCycle == 28800) pwmConfig.dutyCycle = 3200; else pwmConfig.dutyCycle += 3200; MAP_Timer_A_generatePWM(TIMER_A0_BASE, &pwmConfig); } } /* EUSCI A0 UART ISR - Echoes data back to PC host */ void EUSCIA0_IRQHandler(void) { uint32_t status = MAP_UART_getEnabledInterruptStatus(EUSCI_A0_BASE); MAP_UART_clearInterruptFlag(EUSCI_A0_BASE, status); if(status & EUSCI_A_UART_RECEIVE_INTERRUPT_FLAG) { MAP_UART_transmitData(EUSCI_A0_BASE, MAP_UART_receiveData(EUSCI_A0_BASE)); } } Any help is appreciated!