Hello, Eric! After trying the first solution I saw the same behavior (stuck at "Clearing BIE in Operation Configuration"). If I short JP6, I get the following messages: ************************************* Initializing BQ27441 Configuration ************************************* DesignCapacity = 1200mAh DesignEnergy = 1200mAh * 3.7 = 4440J TerminateVoltage = 3200mV TaperRate = 1200mAh/(0.1*115mA) = 104 Error initializing BQ27441 Config Make sure BOOSTXL-BATPAKMKII is connected and switch is flipped to "CONNECTED" ************************************* Battery Information ************************************* Error Reading Design Capacity Error Reading Remaining Capacity Error Reading State Of Charge Error Reading Temperature Error Reading Voltage Error Reading Average Current It's really weird, because it worked a few days ago. I don't think it's a software problem, because I use the example as imported from MSPWare , which worked. Could it be a hardware problem?