I don't have an F2132 to work with, but I did try your settings on a G2553 (Launchpad). The G2553 has nominally the same ADC10 unit as the F2132, though I can't say whether the internals are the same. I count 17 (full) cycles of ADC10CLK for each round. You quoted Tsync as 0.5 clocks, but I don't see a specification anywhere for that. I expect Tsync can be anything in the interval [0,1), based on phase difference between the SHI clock and the ADC10CLK. Since the ADC10OSC is started by the ADC itself, it seems not unlikely that when ADC10CLK=ADC10OSC, there is no phase difference and Tsync is always 0. Were you able to upload your waveform capture? I don't see it in your posts.