[quote user="chintan patel83"] Right , i am not use Output modes 2, 3, 6, and 7 are not useful for output unit 0. so how we config for other Output mode. I set the Toggle mode but it is blinking not performing the PWM operation. So how i configure for outmode 0 for PWM generation ? [/quote] You are setting OUTMOD_7 for timer TA2.0. [quote user="chintan patel83"] void touch_led2(void) // pin49 TA2_0 { TA2CCR0 = 512 - 1; // PWM Period TA2CCTL0 = OUTMOD_7; // CCR0 reset/set <<<< Right here TA2CCR0 = 0; // CCR0 PWM duty cycle TA2CTL = TASSEL_1 | MC_1 | TACLR; // ACLK, up mode, clear TAR } [/quote] This is what you need to do: Set up your timer TA2CTL = TASSEL_1 | MC_1 | TACLR; // ACLK, up mode, clear TAR Set the PWM frequency using TA2CCR0 as you have done TA2CCR0 = 512 - 1; // PWM Period Set the up your first PWM on TA2.1 TA2CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7; // CCR1 reset/set TA2CCR1 = [DUTY CYCLE] Where 0 < [DUTY CYCLE] < TA2CCR0. And then do the same for TA2.2 TA2CCTL2 = OUTMOD_7; // CCR1 reset/set TA2CCR2 = [DUTY CYCLE] Now you have two PWM outputs that can have different duty cycle. Just set up the pin configuration for your board and your done.