Dear freinds You may saw the piece of code that I am inserting below in other discussions, but I really need you help as I am stuck and not making any progress . I am doing using MSP430g3553 to communicate with the accelerometer of BNO055 (via UART), as such I am using the code below which works fine. However this piece will be part of a larger program that is used to run a sensor tag (build from MSP430 MCU and cc1150 ) to transmit the data. Thus you can see that I am using malloc function. Now, when I run the sensor tag program its getting halted in the 1st line of the malloc (acceleration_location = malloc(6)) and thus the sensor tag does not transmit. I think that the MCU is still in LPM3. So how to get it awake from that state? is it by using while or for? and where to place these as I tried by I may be mistaken in placing them. please advise. PS1: the sensor tag uses the SPI over USCI B to communicate with the CC1150 , and thus I am using thr USCI A to communicate over the UART. PS2: please note that I have commented out this line in the RX ISR and the code is working fine // __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); Your help is highly appreciated /* * Acceleration.c * * Created on: Oct 6, 2016 * Author: Murtadha */ #include "Acceleration.h" // the saved value of the previous measurement uint8_t cached_accelerationXMSB = 0, cached_accelerationXLSB = 0; uint8_t cached_accelerationYMSB = 0, cached_accelerationYLSB = 0; uint8_t cached_accelerationZMSB = 0, cached_accelerationZLSB = 0; uint8_t* acceleration_location; // pointer to the location used in the transmit buffer for accelerometer data typedef struct uart // UART { char *bufTXpnt; // UART TX buffer pointer unsigned int TXbuflen; // the lenght of TX block char *bufRXpnt; // UART RX buffer pointer unsigned int RXbuflen; // the lenght of RX block char TXbuffer[8]; char RXbuffer[8]; } uartstruct; ///// macro to get string and string len #define TXSTRING(pnt) (TXdata((pnt), sizeof(pnt)-1)) uartstruct uart; // declare a struct from typedef uartstruct void TXdata( char* pnt, unsigned int len){ uart.bufTXpnt = pnt; uart.TXbuflen = len; uart.bufRXpnt = uart.RXbuffer; // reset it to beginning of ram buffer IE2 |= UCA0TXIE + UCA0RXIE; // enable USCI_A0 TX & RX interrupt } ///Intilizing the UART//////////////////////////////////////////////////// void uart_init(void){ IE2 &= ~(UCA0TXIE | UCA0RXIE); // Disable all USCIx0 (A) TX & RX interrupts UCA0CTL1 = UCSWRST; // Set UCSWRST (hold USCI in Reset state) UCA0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2; // CLK = SMCLK // ------------ Configuring the UART(USCI_A0) ----------------// // 115200 BAUD, CLK=12MHz UCA0BR0 = 6; UCA0BR1 = 0; // //*ours: UCBRF = 8, UCBRS = 0, UCOS16 = 1 // // BITS| 7 6 5 4 | 3 2 1 | 0 | // UCAxMCTL = | UCBRFx | UCBRSx | UCOS16 | UCA0MCTL = 0x81; //this works fine UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // Clear UCSWRST to enable USCI_A0-UART UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSYNC; IFG2 |= UCA0TXIFG; // preset IFG flag always left on IE2|=UCA0RXIE; } //********************************************** //Configure clocks and clock sources void set_UCS() { /* DCO Frequency selected */ /* SCLK=SMCLK P1.5 */ /* Maximum SPI frequency for burst mode is 6.5 MHz */ //Set DCO to 12 MHz calibrated and use DCO/2 for SMCLK //Note that this is technically a bit too high for operation at 2.2Volts (end of battery life). 8 MHz is maximum recommended. //Does not seem to be a problem at room temperature. DCOCTL = CALDCO_12MHZ; //0x7A 01111010 //DCOx 011 //MODx 11010 /* External Crystal OFF, LFEXT1 is low frequency, ACLK is Divided by 1, RSELx=1110 */ // Set range 0x8E 10001110 BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_12MHZ; // DCO -> SMCLK (Default), SMCLK / 2; DCO -> MCLK, MCLK / 2; DCOR Internal Resistor select BCSCTL2 = DIVS_1 + DIVM_1 + SELM_0; // 0x52 = 00010010 /* 0.4 to 1MHz crystal , Using VLO for ACLK, Cap selected 1pF */ BCSCTL3 = LFXT1S_2; IE1 &= 0xFD; /* Disable UCS interrupt */ return; } //******************************************************************** //------------------- Configure the UART Clock source -------------------// void set_UARTUCS() { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop the Watch dog DCOCTL = 0; // Select lowest DCOx and MODx settings BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_12MHZ; // Set range DCOCTL = CALDCO_12MHZ; // Set DCO step + modulation // DCO -> SMCLK (Default) IE1 &= 0xFD; /* Disable UCS interrupt */ return; } //--------- Setting the UART function for P1.1 & P1.2 --------// void setUARTPins() { // P2DIR = 0xFF; // All P2.x outputs< //P2OUT &= 0x00; // All P2.x reset P1SEL |= RXD + TXD ; // P1.1 = RXD, P1.2=TXD P1SEL2 |= RXD + TXD ; // P1.1 = RXD, P1.2=TXD // P1OUT &= 0x00; return; } //¦----------------------------- Delay Function ---------------------------------------¦ // This function will give us 1ms wait time, so for getting 10 ms, // then delay_ms(10) will give 10ms and delay_ms(100) will give 100ms void delay_ms(unsigned int ms) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i<= ms; i++) __delay_cycles(6000); // 6000 will give us 1ms } //¦----------------------------- US0TX ISR ---------------------------------------¦ #pragma vector=USCIAB0TX_VECTOR __interrupt void USCIAB0TX(void) // Shared A0/B0 TX IRQ vector { if (IFG2 & UCA0TXIFG){ // check for UART TX if (uart.TXbuflen){ // if not zero UCA0TXBUF = *uart.bufTXpnt++; --uart.TXbuflen; } else IE2 &= ~UCA0TXIE; // suspend IE if zero } else IFG2 &= ~UCA0TXIFG; // clear a false UCB0 trigger } //¦----------------------------- US0RX ISR ---------------------------------------¦ #pragma vector=USCIAB0RX_VECTOR __interrupt void USCIAB0RX(void) // A0/B0 RX IRQ vector { if (IFG2 & UCA0RXIFG){ // check for UART RX *uart.bufRXpnt++ = UCA0RXBUF; // copy data byte // if (uart.bufRXpnt == uart.RXbuffer+8 && uart.RXbuffer[0]==0xBB) // got 8 bytes in yet? <<<< // uart.RXbuflen=uart.RXbuffer[1]; // __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); // if (!--uart.RXbuflen){ //commneted 10/14/2016 // if (uart.bufRXpnt == uart.RXbuffer+uart.RXbuffer[1]) //uart.RXbuffer[1] includes the length of the received string from the BNO055 // { // __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); // } } else IFG2 = ~UCA0RXIFG; } ///////////////getAcceleration will make the MSP430 talks to the BNO055 void getAcceleration() { // Enable intterupts //////commented on 10/12/2016 //intterupts enabled in the main function below // IE2 |= UCA0TXIE; // Enable the Transmit interrupt // IE2 |= UCA0RXIE; // Enable the Receive interrupt // _BIS_SR(GIE); // Enable the global interrupt //Put BNO055 in CONFIG mode********required (do not change) TXSTRING("\xAA\x00\x3D\x01\x00"); // Send this to the BNO055 to set up the CONFIG mode delay_ms(10); // do not change (80) while (IE2 & UCA0TXIE); //Put BNO055 in NORMAL power mode********required (do not change) TXSTRING("\xAA\x00\x3E\x01\x00"); // NORMAL power mode delay_ms(20); // do not change (20) delay_ms(2000) while (IE2 & UCA0TXIE); //Put BNO055 in AMG mode********selecting operating mode is required (do not change) TXSTRING("\xAA\x00\x3D\x01\x07"); // Send this to the BNO055 to set up the ACC ONLY mode delay_ms(80); // do not change (80) delay_ms(2000) while (IE2 & UCA0TXIE); TXSTRING("\xAA\x01\x08\x06"); delay_ms(10); //this delay is not change (10) // delay_ms(10000) while (IE2 & UCA0TXIE); /* * ACC_DATA_X_LSB 0x08=RXbuffer[2]; * ACC_DATA_X_MSB 0x09=RXbuffer[3]; * ACC_DATA_Y_LSB 0x0A=RXbuffer[4]; * ACC_DATA_Y_MSB 0x0B=RXbuffer[5]; * ACC_DATA_Z_LSB 0x0C=RXbuffer[6]; * ACC_DATA_Z_MSB 0x0D=RXbuffer[7]; */ cached_accelerationXLSB = uart.RXbuffer[2]; cached_accelerationXMSB = uart.RXbuffer[3]; cached_accelerationYLSB = uart.RXbuffer[4]; cached_accelerationYMSB = uart.RXbuffer[5]; cached_accelerationZLSB = uart.RXbuffer[6]; cached_accelerationZMSB = uart.RXbuffer[7]; // Send this to the BNO055 to set up the CONFIG mode....DO NOT CHANGE or DELETE // TXSTRING("\xAA\x00\x3D\x01\x00"); // Send this to the BNO055 to set up the CONFIG mode // delay_ms(10); // do not change (80) delay_ms(2000) // while (IE2 & UCA0TXIE); // // // Send this to the BNO055 to set up the SUSPEND mode.... // TXSTRING("\xAA\x00\x3E\x01\x02"); // SUSPEND power mode // delay_ms(20); // do not change (20) delay_ms(2000) // while (IE2 & UCA0TXIE); ///////commented on 10/12/2016 //LP // __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/ int until Byte RXed return; } //¦----------------------------- Main Function-------------------------------------------¦ void doAccelerationSense() { // void doAccelerationSense(bool update) { // If called with update=true, perform a measurement //if (update) { cached_accelerationXMSB = 0; // Considered an "invalid" value cached_accelerationXLSB = 0; // means the sensor did not work cached_accelerationYMSB = 0; cached_accelerationYLSB = 0; cached_accelerationZMSB = 0; cached_accelerationZLSB = 0; // *** Save state of all registers modified by the acceleration sensing code *** uint16_t original_P1DIR = P1DIR; uint16_t original_P1IE = P1IE; uint16_t original_P1OUT = P1OUT; uint16_t original_P1REN = P1REN; uint16_t original_P1SEL = P1SEL; uint16_t original_P1SEL2 = P1SEL2; setUARTPins(); uart_init(); set_UARTUCS(); // Enable intterupts IE2 |= UCA0TXIE; // Enable the Transmit interrupt IE2 |= UCA0RXIE; // Enable the Receive interrupt _BIS_SR(GIE); // Enable the global interrupt ///////////////getAcceleration will make the MSP430 talks to the BNO055 getAcceleration(); // *** Restore all registers modified by the acceleration sensing code back to their previously saved state *** P1IE = original_P1IE; P1DIR = original_P1DIR; P1REN = original_P1REN; P1SEL = original_P1SEL; P1SEL2 = original_P1SEL2; P1OUT = original_P1OUT; set_UCS(); __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/ int until Byte RXed } //Acceleration.c (main function ends here) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save value to transmit buffer // acceleration_location = malloc(6); // acceleration_location[0] = ((uint8_t*) &cached_accelerationXMSB)[0]; //check this (the order) // acceleration_location[1] = ((uint8_t*) &cached_accelerationXLSB)[0]; // see line 196~ // acceleration_location[2] = ((uint8_t*) &cached_accelerationYMSB)[0]; // acceleration_location[3] = ((uint8_t*) &cached_accelerationYLSB)[0]; // acceleration_location[4] = ((uint8_t*) &cached_accelerationZMSB)[0]; // acceleration_location[5] = ((uint8_t*) &cached_accelerationZLSB)[0]; //}