Hello Everybody, this is my first project with the MSP430G2231 and I allready encountered a problem with the configuration. I want to use the Timer interrupt to generate an internal 10ms clock. So I don't need any signals from the timer at my GPIO's. Now to my problem: I configurated the timer as followed: TACTL = TASSEL_2 + TACLR + ID_3; // SMCLK, clear TAR TACCTL0 = CCIE; // CCR0 interrupt enabled TACCR0 = 1020; TACTL |= MC_1; #pragma vector=TIMER0_A0_VECTOR /// TIMERA0_VECTOR __interrupt void Timer_A (void) { updateTime(); } This works very well so far. But I always get the PWM signal at P1.2 (due to the limited amount of I/O's of the MSP430 it is vital for me to be able to use P1.2 as Input) P1SEL and P1DIR are set to 0. Is there any way of configurating the timer so I can use P1.2 as digital input? Looking forward to some reply. Thank's Simon