Hi John, here are a few things I noticed about your code: 1. Setting P8.4/P8.5 with GPIO_setAsInputPin is unnecessary since P8DIR does not matter for ADC operation. 2. ADC functionality is set with GPIO_PRIMARY_MODULE_FUNCTION. 3. You don't delay to allow the reference to settle. 4. Changing configureMemoryParam values does nothing until ADC12_B_configureMemory(ADC12_B_BASE, &configureMemoryParam); is executed. 5. The code example uses LPM0 but I believe that the ADC12OSC/MODOSC is still available in LPM3. 6. Reading the ADC12_B_MEMORY_0 inside of the ISR would automatically clear the IFG. There are also some adc12_a sequence-of-channel examples in the MSP430F5xx_6xx section of DriverLib that you might be able to source from. Regards, Ryan