Hi all, I think I have solved my problem. My custom BSL failed to work correctly is due to the .cmd file. In order to use UART A3 module, I simply replaced lnk_ msp430f5418a .cmd with lnk_ msp430f5438a .cmd. But as the default lnk_ msp430f5438a .cmd is used for normal user application, the memory map is not satisfy with the BSL memory requirement. In the default file, Flash address is like "FLASH : origin = 0x5C00, length = 0xA380" and "FLASH2 : origin = 0x10000,length = 0x35C00" . But for BSL memory, it should reside in 0x1000 - 0x17ff. So after I modified this little error, everything works correctly right now. I would like to thanks Brian for he/she suggest me to debug step by step to find where the problem is. Regards, Wong