Actually i already tried the factory reset of the microctroller. My CCS appearently performed the reset well, but since it was hanging during the building/flashing i was unnable to really make sure the microcontroller was funcitoning after ther reset, at least in the desktop CCS. Then i made the reset procedure again ( in the desktop app ) but then i decided to flash the device through the cloud application. The first time after the reset, appearently, it flashed the device but it was not performing the program inserted which is a modified version of the Port Mapping exemple from the resorce explorer, the LEDs in P1.0, P2.1 and P2.2 are supposedly to blink but they were not. Then i decided to try flash the device again in the cloud application, but the this time i recieved the same error message. I also tried to flash the device through the cloud application in my desktop computer in the lab that, but i received the same error message. I am currently re-installing the desktop application in my personal copmuter so i can perform the identification of the hardware version described in the link you apointed and then i will try again to perform the factory reset. Thanks.