Hi, I have a just got a FR5994 Launchpad, programmed with FW build on CCS on a mac. The out of the box demo is working for the temperature graph and the store/read from FRAM. However the SD example is not running. The issue first appears in storeTimeStampSDCard() at //Read directory and file rc = SDCardLib_getDirectory(&sdCardLib, "data_log", dirs, &dirNum, files, &fileNum); with FR_INVALID_OBJECT being returned I have not populated R5 (CS) as I can see its set straight away in system_pre_init. Do I need to populate it to get the SD example to run? int _system_pre_init(void) {........ GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P4, GPIO_PIN0); GPIO_setAsOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_P4, GPIO_PIN0);