I wanted to write to the flash of the MSP432P401R launchpad I used this functions first MAP_PCM_setCoreVoltageLevel(PCM_VCORE1); FlashCtl_setWaitState(FLASH_BANK0, 2); FlashCtl_setWaitState(FLASH_BANK1, 2); MAP_CS_setDCOCenteredFrequency(CS_DCO_FREQUENCY_48); FlashCtl_unprotectSector(FLASH_MAIN_MEMORY_SPACE_BANK0, FLASH_SECTOR7 | FLASH_SECTOR8 | FLASH_SECTOR9); FlashCtl_enableWordProgramming(FLASH_IMMEDIATE_WRITE_MODE); FlashCtl_initiateSectorErase(FLASH_SECTOR7); then I wrote to the flash using assembly language, but I found that the data is wrote to the flash just after I build the project before actually executing the store instructions also after I run the code two or three times I got error about writing to the flash, I had to reset the launchpad before using it again what did I do wrong , and how can I fix that ? I'm using IAR system