Hello! I am attempting to use the i2c_driver from BOOSTXL-SENSORS _SensorGUI_ MSP430FR5994 within the MSP-EXP430FR5994 _Software_Examples. The source code can be found here: software-dl.ti.com/.../index_FDS.html I am trying to read a temperature from a MCP9808 over I2C. I call the function initI2C(void) successfully. but then i get stuck when calling readI2C(uint8_t ui8Addr, uint8_t ui8Reg, uint8_t *Data, uint8_t ui8ByteCount). the program hangs on line 301 // WAIT FOR THE FIRST TXBUF EMPTY INTERRUPT BEFORE LOADING TARGET REGISTER while(!(UCB2IFG & UCTXIFG)); Could someone please explain how to use this driver to read/write to an I2C bus? or alternately could someone link me to a compatible easy to use I2C library for the FR5994?