Hello, There are no specific code examples for interfacing the MSP430F67641 with LED drivers but TI does provide a few simple SPI examples for this device: www.ti.com/.../slac647 Pay special attention to the CTLW0 register as you must properly set the UCCKPL to zero (clock inactive state low) and UCCKPH to one (data captured on the first UCLK edge) in accordance with the STP04CM05 datasheet. 3-bit SPI mode (UCMODEx = 0x00) should be utilized and master mode (UCMST = 1) along with synchronous mode (UCSYNC = 1) set. Ensure that the UCSWRST bit is set to keep the state machine in reset mode while making these changes. Any specific SPI communication questions involving the MSP430 can be addressed on this forum, but questions regarding setting the color and brightness using the STP04CM05 LED driver should be addressed by ST. Regards, Ryan