Hi, I am unable to connect to the MSP432 Launchpad. I have browsed through the forums and tried the following potential solutions: 1. Factory reset - same error occurs when I right click-> connect target on the device under non-debuggable devices after rightclick->show all cores. 2. Changing JTAG/SWD mode - I tried all the modes that are present in the drop down menu and factory reset did not work with any of them. 3. Another thread reply asked to remove all JTAG connectors on J101 and check to see if XDS100 shows up in Device Manager in Windows. And connect each one back until it disappears again - XDS100 doesn't show up in any combination, all jumpers connected to none. And another thing I would like to mention is that I had the same error with another board - one of the black ones with a switch for External Debug/XDS ET. It just happened that the switch was in the wrong place and flicking it back in place solved the issue. I was able to factory reset and that board is fine now. But the board I have this problem now with is one of the red ones and I can't find this switch on it anywhere. And I think my error might have come from changing the startup file (startup_ msp432p401r _ccs.c) because this error occurred after I dumped that particular project onto the board. Please find the project attached and check if you can reproduce the error. Thanks! (Please visit the site to view this file)