Hi all, As I thought about this some more, it occurred to me that what _might_ be happening is that the DriverLib calls to send bytes are executing so fast that the transmit data is being overwritten before it can be fully sent out. It appears that once the data is transferred from the UCBxTXBUF register buffer into the shift register, UCTXIFG0 is set, per the Family Technical Reference Manual. Is it possible that I'm sending new bytes before this flag is set? I believe that an interrupt request will be generated if the UCTXIEx bit is set, although I am not sure exactly which of those bits should be set. Is there a way to poll using DriverLib to make sure that the byte has been sent, or is the only way to do this through the interrupt? It seems that the (less that wonderfully instructive) DriverLib examples make use of the interrupt, so maybe I am trying to do something unanticipated by using DriverLib I2c in the polled manner. I'm used to UARTs that have some type of "TxBUF Register Empty" flag to indicate when it's ok to load another data byte. Any ideas on how to get such information using the calls available through DriverLib? Thanks again for your consideration, and Happy Holiday! Scott