Hi Mike, With a little more digging I found that I could indeed hook the bus pirate to a single 432 and get results. I was just doing it wrong given the setup I described in my first email. The clock is pin 1.7, not pin 1.5 as I initially thought. I was surprised that you did not correct me on this. Also the bus pirate doesn't like querying a master with the command used for querying a slave - the bus pirate commands are different for each (I think the bus pirate command to listen to a master is called "scan" - more info when I test more). The 432 demo has to match the bus pirate operation, for a slave query, the demo has to run as a slave, and in this case is i2c_slave_initiated_read-slave_code, is the only i2c demo that runs as a slave of the eight i2c demos provided. bob s. ps -- if you run a bus master i2c demo using the bus pirate in the scan mode, you see data. So I'm all set for now.