Hi Arthi I have tried on our custom board and also on the MSP-TS430RGC64USB development board. The issue has showed up single connected custom board but that takes about 4 days to show the issue. If connected directly to PC then it does not show the issue. I have narrowed to following, when directly connected to PC then I think on re-boot of pc it actaully switched power off to the USB and in turn reset the USB device with powere hub the usb device is permenantly on and so does not reset the device. The issue is when device does not reset. When the device fails the USB devices stays in ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS state permenantly. Only way to get the device connected is by re-connecting USB device. With 10 USB devices connected then the failure occurs within 8 hours (i.e. re-booting PC every 15 minutes). Sorry I donot have any log files. I have got a work around, what I do is start a timer whenever the USB State changes (except for ST_ENUM_ACTIVE state), and if USB state does not change for 4 sec then I reset the USB device. I will have a look at the USB10 errata. Error code in device manager is Code 43.. Thanks Prakash
Forum Post: RE: MSP430F5510: Using MSP430USBDevelopersPackage_5_10_00_17 - causes "UNKNOWN DEVICE"