Hello Sasuke 1st of all thanks for the reply. Actually my goal is not only to send data through UART every 5 sec. It is a small portion of a project. Where manipulated data will be sent at a particular time via UART. So, I need to use Timer interrupt or RTC. Here for simplicity I have used timer interrupt and sent data every 5 sec. So here whats actually happening is, from the Timer interrupt ISR, I am calling UART ISR twice. But it is only executing Once. That's why after the 1st character of num1 (sending 1st character of num1, is not a part of ISR (line 75)) got sent, it is not going to ISR. But the second integer num2 is executing properly. So, is there anything like: from one ISR (take example Timer ISR) we can call another particular ISR (take example UART ISR) only Once during one time execution?? Coz I an trying to call UART ISR twice, but it is only executing once.