Hi, It's a pretty big app intended to be an intelligent controller for an energy unit (battery charger) for a solar+battery powered software radio telescope. I'm porting code originally written for a PIC (don't ask - but I think MICROCHIP is going down the tubes) - the app is a few hundred lines now but will probably be a few thousand lines before I'm done. I am trying to get the RTC calendar function to work and imported the rtc_calendar_alarm demo and noticed i was getting "event" interrupts even though I had not set an alarm. I figured out that "define" was meant to be "set", and I assume that the interrupt generated was due to an uninitialized alarm function. Once I disabled/masked the interrupt, the interrupt stopped. So I am ok, but I guess you/TI need to, at some point, update your user's manual. I found at least one other typo. Questions: 1. Will you provide a document ID number/version for the user's manual - I assume at some point you will be revising it? 2. Have you considered allowing a "seconds" a "month" field for the alarm setting? I can make what you provide work for my needs but it wouldn't hurt to have greater granularity of control. The plan is to "go to sleep", then wake up at a predesignated time in the future and conduct an experiment. bob s.