For the present - since the design is not locked in, I enable RTC_C_CLOCK_READ_READY_INTERRUPT for exactly one interrupt to make sure the RTC is running. Question: The RTC_C_CLOCK_READ_READY_INTERRUPT interrupts at what rate? I disable RTC_C_TIME_EVENT_INTERRUPT because I have no use for repeating interrupts - at least until I figure out how I want to handle telemetry reporting, repeating every 10 seconds would be useful but It seems your alarm API does not allow for repeats at this rate - I think the lowest level you provide is to the minute, which is too slow. I might try your FreeRTOS implementation to see how they resolve this. My previous experience with FreeRTOS for the PIC is that their implementation fought with the interrupts for drivers I needed to control. I keep RTC_C_CLOCK_ALARM_INTERRUPT disabled until I need to sleep to a future event.