Forum Post: RE: MSP430FR6989 - Code Composer Studio - MCU won't store...
[quote user="Alan Gutierrez"]So the issue appears to be that I cannot store an unsigned char value on my mcu with a value greater than 127 (which should be the upper limit for the signed char, which I...
View ArticleForum Post: Problem: Compute distance with msp430, interrupt issue
Hello everyone. I'm trying to compute distance using msp430G2553 and SRF05. The connections pin are shown below: SRF05 ======> MSP430 trigger =======> P1.7 echo =======> P2.1 I didn't know why...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F247 Evaluation Board
Every LaunchPad should be capable of handling these few I/Os. (But do the PWMs use the same frequency?) The pin assignments are likely to be different.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2955 and two encoders
Thank You. Now is working OK! Here is finally code. P1OUT |= (ENC_UP_A + ENC_UP_B + ENC_DOWN_A + ENC_DOWN_B); P1REN |= (ENC_UP_A + ENC_UP_B + ENC_DOWN_A + ENC_DOWN_B); P1IFG &= (~ENC_UP_A +...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Custom BSL for MSP430F5438A without the entry sequence...
Hello Katie is it wrong that when I debug the project MSP430F5438A _BSL it enters in debug mode and let me do debugging and jumps at main function in BSL430_Command_Interpreter.c ?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F247 Evaluation Board
Thank you very much! There will be 4 PWM lines total, with 2 always being 0% duty cycle (which ones are grounded depends on which direction the motor is running). The frequency of all PWM lines will be...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Problem: Compute distance with msp430, interrupt issue
1) This doesn't do what you think it does: if (P2IN & BIT1 == BIT1) It should rather be: if ((P2IN & BIT1) == BIT1) 2) This also doesn't do what you think it does: if (t2 > t1) In Continuous...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5659 DCO
Hello Manish, First you need to clock out SMCLK on P3.4 by setting P3DIR and P3SEL Bit4. Please check below code, it should give you 16MHz output on P3.4. This reference code assuming there is 3.3V on...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6989 - Code Composer Studio - MCU won't store...
I verified this on my software (free version), you are correct, it's displaying the proper value in binary and hex. Is this also a problem in the paid version of CCS 6.20?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5659 DCO
It seems to me that you do not realize that the effect of " |= " is different from that of " = ". For example, if the original of UCSCTL4 is (SELM_4+SELS_4), then after your: UCSCTL4 |= SELM_3+SELS_3;...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6989 - Code Composer Studio - MCU won't store...
The registered and the free version are 100% identical regarding the functionality and the behaviour. The code size limitation isn't present on the licensed one.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F247 Evaluation Board
The only LaunchPad in the 2xx family is the MSP-EXP430G2 . The G2553 has two TimerA modules, while the F247 has one TimerA and one TimerB, so you will need to do more changes. (And the G2553 has no...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430 i2c problems
Yes, I've checked with multimeter General Voltage 3.7V and both sda and scl 3.7V
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430 i2c problems
You should use a supply voltage that is actually allowed. I don't know why UCBBUSY is set; in theory, this should not be possible directly after the reset.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430 i2c problems
Hi, After you said you don't know why UCBBUSY is set, i assumed something wrong with the launchpad so i took another and suddnely it's not busy anymore and it looks like it's working but, i don't see...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: CC430 RF Example RXFIFO Problem
Your post has been moved to the msp 430 forum as the msp group is responsible for supporting the CC430 devices from a SW perspective. BR Siri
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430 i2c problems
The PCF8574 is just an I/O expander. How are its 8 data pins connected to the LCD controller?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 I2C Master send a NO ACK
I2C_masterReceiveSingle() is intended to be used in an interrupt handler (or in the equivalent polling code). To receive the last byte in a transaction and send NACK+STOP afterwards, use...
View ArticleForum Post: PWM Signal
Hi, I want to achive 825 Hz. SMCLK is configure as 1MHz, for Timer using SMCLK. I am loading CCR0 value=(1000000/825). Input divider is 0. we are getting PWM signal as 412 HZ.(Half of the 825) it...
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