Forum Post: RE: MSP432 ULP Advisor
I read your other post. I agree with what Bruce McKenney47378 said. The advises you got from ULP Advisor were bad. You are just wasting time and effort by following them.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Data sent to RX register is inverted, UART couldn't detect a...
RS232 is using +12V (nominal) and -12V (nominal) levels while your UART is using 0V (nominal) and +3V (nominal) levels respectively. Thus you need a RS232 to/form UART level shifting hardware between...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI baud rate and 16 MHz Microcontroller
As specified in the datasheet, the USCI SPI clock can be as fast as MCLK.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Slave I2C example not working
Hello Toby, The example should be correct and has been tested to work. Setting up the USIPE settings in USICTL0 should set your pins up correctly for you. The USI modules will ignore the P1DIR setting...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR5969 + LFXTDRIVE
Hello Mich, The drive value for LFXT is dependent on your LF Xtal of choice and its layout. Please see the following application note for properly setting up your Xtal and its circuit....
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI baud rate and 16 MHz Microcontroller
Thank you so much for your answer. So if have MCLK to 16 MHz can get a baud rate 16MHz SPI thus: P3DIR |= 0x01; P3OUT |= 0x01; P3SEL |= 0x0E; UCB0CTL1 |= UCSWRST; UCB0CTL0 |= UCCKPH + UCMSB + UCMST +...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI baud rate and 16 MHz Microcontroller
Why are you asking? Doesn't it work?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Problems faced in getting started with TIDA-00120 Solar MPPT...
Hi tibor, i have just program my first board, but i´m having trouble with the comunication. Error: The port 'COM10' does not exist have you ever seen it? do you have any...
View ArticleForum Post: msp430f5438 experiment board float operation errors
Hi, the function i'm implementing on msp430 experiment board is that convert a float number to char array and transfer each character in the array to computer through UART. the problem is with the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430f5438 experiment board float operation errors
Try to refer to
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430f5438 experiment board float operation errors
thank you so much Chen, really appreciated it! Cheers Jensen
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430f5438 experiment board float operation errors
After line #42, you main() ended immediately, thus the CPU goes to do something else that you have no control of. Delete your line #60 and insert a long delay between lines #42 and #43.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 Dev Kit and CapTIvateDesignCenter issues
Thank you for this, it does teach me to Read The Manual :). I downloaded Code Composer Studio, imported the PROXIMITY demonstration code and built it. Initially I had an issue with the programming...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Firmware Upgrade using MSP430F5247
Hi, Katie Now I am able to jump on the defined address as i am giving now ((void (*)()) _App_Reset_Vector)();, which i have mapped in the linker file of the application. But now my actual application...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430f5438 experiment board float operation errors
thanks for your suggestion! !
View ArticleForum Post: RE: How to erase the MSP432's Info memory FLASH zone when...
this is the way to erase MSP430's Info memory use "IAR for MSP430", but i don't find the way to do this when use"IAR for ARM"
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 USBCDC_handleReceiveCompleted not working?
This code is unreadable; use the "Insert Code" button to insert code. Specify exactly what you have changed from the example.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI baud rate and 16 MHz Microcontroller
And what is the problem? Which signal is wrong? In what way?
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