Hi David, thanks for passing on the request up the chain. we'd prefer to stay with TI tools for our needs. So if TI did enhance gdb_agent to support the msp-fet with the msp432 cpus that would be most excellent. gdb_proxies (like gdb_agent_console) is the way the rest of the world debugs low level using the gnu tool chains. The other emulators we've looked at support gdb_proxies (ARM direct and SEGGER). But we'd prefer to use TI products with TI chips. We know that the h/w paths all work because we have made use of the msp-fet with the msp432 under CCS 6.1.3 and that all works. But we really want to move away from CCS (too complicated) to pure gdb talking to a gdb_proxy. So if there is a way to figure out the configuration for gdb_agent to make use of the msp-fet talking to a msp432, that would be perfect.