Yeah, I know Energia release 18 was out for couple weeks now. My dilemma is that only release 16 works with MSP430G2553 28 pin IC. I found out couple odd things, or bugs if you want to call them that. 1. Pin 7 / P1.5 when used as digital output driving an LED does not work when PWM is being used on P2.4 and P3.6. Something to do with TA0 ? It was always low. 2. AttachInterrupt to pin 27 / P2.6 to monitor a push button switch resets the MPU . My first thought was some short in my hardware. However if I used digitalRead on this pin, it works fine. 3. AttachInterrupt to pin 14 / P3.3 does not work at all for monitoring a push button switch. As with problem on number 2 above, it works fine with digitalRead(). Both of the attachinterrupt were monitoring "Falling" of the switches. Those are odd things I found so far. If you have found other odd/weird things please don't hesitate to add them on this post. Thanks. Question: Can someone please point me to some online documents where I can learn about structure of Energia files/commands/libraries, etc. Thanks.