Forum Post: MSP 430 Lab Workshop Video ?
Hello, I love watching video made by TI to learn about their MCU. It is very nice to introduce the functions but then I find out there is nothing better than hands-on to learn. Is there any Lab...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Question Regarding JTAG and SPI interface to MSP430G2553 20...
You should consider SBW instead of 4-pin JTAG. Pros: (a) P1.4,5,6, and 7 are freed for other usage, (b) you could then use the cheaper G2LP as debugging tool. Cons: it is slightly slower to download...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2955 and LanuchPad Value Line
G2LP is not designed to work for G2955.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: CCS6.2 How to change C comment color
Read the documents of the specific c-compiler you are using.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: CCS6.2 How to change C comment color
[quote user="Jon Norenberg"] I have googled how to change, but I don't see the settings for the C/C++ in my Preferences.[/quote]If you click on the "Show advanced settings" link in the bottom left of...
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430G2553 28 Pins & Energia Release 16 Bugs
Yeah, I know Energia release 18 was out for couple weeks now. My dilemma is that only release 16 works with MSP430G2553 28 pin IC. I found out couple odd things, or bugs if you want to call them that....
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2955 and LanuchPad Value Line
And MSP-EXP430F5529LP LaunchPad? Or another low cost programer? Thank You.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: EXP430G2 (2553) problem with ACLK
Does ACLK itself work correctly when you route it to P1.0?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Failed to Load CPU Core Driver
Hello Li, The problem is still present, actually I am on vacation so have not yet tried what David had asked me to do i.e. run the sample program in CCS. Once I am back I'll be trying that and will...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553 32 Pin QFN ADC10 misread as supply drops
Hi Dennis Had to forward you question the hardware designers, here is what they told me: We have a Zener in series with our supply and input to 3v3 ldo. So far the in house thinking has been because...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553 32 Pin QFN ADC10 misread as supply drops
[quote user="Roy Chisem"]We have a Zener in series with our supply and input to 3v3 ldo.[/quote] OK, maybe not the best solution here. The MSP as the controlling device should ideally work under the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553 32 Pin QFN ADC10 misread as supply drops
Thanks Dennis, passed the advice back to the hardware people & guess we need to keep supply to MSP340 constant in the future. Thanks for your help and time.
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430F5529 Hang upon PC startup during BIOS or POST BIOS sequence
We are using the MSP430F5529LP. When starting the computer with the board connected - it hangs just as the windows symbol appears (probably POST BIOS stage). If the board is not connected - the PC...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 ADC timer trigger
Ho, sorry if i use this post but i have the same problem (i'm using msp432 but i think it is the same). My question is: how i choose the taccr1? using timerA0, ccr0 (up mode) is the value of every...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529 Hang upon PC startup during BIOS or POST BIOS...
The BIOS searches for USB HID devices (to allow the keyboard to be used in the setup) and for USB mass-storage devices (to boot from). It's likely that your BIOS has a bug when seeing a HID device that...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553 28 Pins & Energia Release 16 Bugs
Found another bug using servo.h Servo signal were compressed. Instead of 1-2ms pulse every 20 ms, the one I got was about 10 times as fast. This caused the servo trying to go pass 0 degree.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529 Hang upon PC startup during BIOS or POST BIOS...
Thank you. Do you know how can I verify my MSP430F5529 is NOT identified as optional mouse or keyboard?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP 430 Lab Workshop Video ?
Hi It would be very usefull to have some lab video as it is most during the lab that we can learn quickly to implement. I am a bit amazed there is not even workshop about how to implement UART, I2C and...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6972 ADC+DMA issue
Hi Caleb, I review that piece of code and destination are properly write in DMA0DA register. Also, I change some settings of SHT, but I found something. It seems like ADC sets an additional ADCIFG...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529 Hang upon PC startup during BIOS or POST BIOS...
The problem is not that your firmware does not conform to some specification; the problem is that your firmware confuses your BIOS. Nobody knows what detail is responsible for that.
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