[quote]Kindly suggest some other alternatives for this as I don't have much time to order any other mcu?[/quote] Sounds suspiciously like it's not entirely your idea - rather a kind of "homework" ... I have seen very similar application on Cortex M controllers. With the MSP432 and the TM4C, TI has a decent portfolio in this area as well. Performance is not an issue - only the MSP432 still seems to be in a Beta phase. A DSP seems predestined for audio applications, and, incidentally, TI offers those as well. However, DSPs tend to be a bit more complex. And there are other MCU architectures (Renesas, Microchip, Atmel) around that can do the job as well. I had implemented similar requirements on another platform (Cortex M) in the past, only real-time audio sampling and file access (FatFS) in different projects. Thus I believe I can estimate the required effort to some degree. I would go for a Cortex M, since it seems the most generic, ubiquitous MCU architecture, with lots of examples to draw from, and plenty of performance for your task. [quote]...as I don't have much time to order any other mcu[/quote] However, since you are finally responsible for the results, you will need to make the decision.