Hi everybody! I currently use MSP432 launchpad and I am quite confused by the description of clock speeds, described in technical reference. It is written: "SMCLK: Low-speed subsystem master clock. SMCLK uses the HSMCLK clock resource selection for its clock resource. SMCLK can be divided independently from HSMCLK by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. SMCLK is limited in frequency to half of the rated maximum frequency of HSMCLK." What does it mean?? Does it mean that if I set HSMCLK at, say 24Mhz, SMCLK maximum will be limited to 12Mhz ? Apparently not... I just don't understand, could anybody please explain what all that means and the relationships between HSMCLK and SMCLK in terms of that "half speed" thing? Sorry. Sincerely Stas.