Forum Post: RE: Time between output/input
To connect P1.5 to the timer, you need to set bit 5 in P1SEL. The F2013 has only a single timer (Timer_A 0), with two CCRs. When you're using CCR0 for the clock output, you need to use CCR1 to capture...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 I2C
Hello Clemens, I am using Tektronix TDS1012 Oscilloscope. For first 9 clock pulses of SCl I've get Start condition, 7-bit slave address, R/w, ack on SDA. after that the SCl going low and SDA is High.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I2C Bus busy Issue
Hi Clemens Ladisch , Thanks for your response. We have gone through the errata USC137 and understand the situation at which the I2C Bus hang issue will happen. But we are not able to completely...
View ArticleForum Post: HSMCLK vs SMCLK speed confusion
Hi everybody! I currently use MSP432 launchpad and I am quite confused by the description of clock speeds, described in technical reference. It is written: "SMCLK: Low-speed subsystem master clock....
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP 430 Energy Library Getting Started for MSP430F427A
Hi, Still waiting for help on this thread. Anyone from TI MSP430 team would like to look into the situation and help us find solution. Thanks in advance.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: HSMCLK vs SMCLK speed confusion
Does the previous discussion in SMCLK frequency in MSP432 answer your question?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553IRHB32R Debug issues
Hi, It looks like an unstable conditions. I managed to debug several times buts it's not stable. I couldn't find the JTAG/SBW speed control. I tried at Project-->Properties-->Debug-->MSP430...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553IRHB32R Debug issues
[quote user="Itay Cohen67"]I couldn't find the JTAG/SBW speed control.[/quote]Sorry, my original post wasn't clear. The JTAG/SBW speed control is in the Target Configuration (.ccxml file): [quote...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: new update of code composer halt the program with exit.c file
Hi Chester, My program is bare-metal program without sys/bios This is code for my program, wherever i clicked resume when debugging, exit.c file opened by itself...
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430G2553 PWM accuracy issues
Hi, I need to produce a relatively accurate frequencies. I'm using PWM with 50% Duty Cycle. I need to produce frequencies with distance of 50 Hz in between ({3150, 3200, 3250, ..., 4150, 4200}). I'm...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: How to build a released .out file which source code can be...
Charles, Thanks for the response. Looks like this method works only for .out file. I tried both .txt (or .hex) and .out file. Both are showing "loading complete" in the console window. But .txt file...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553 PWM accuracy issues
You are misled by the name Timer. It is actually not a Timer. It is only a counter. If you use the "Timer" to count the cycles of a known frequency, you can derive the time interval indirectly and...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Executing interrupts during Flash read/write
Clemens is correct. For some reason, TI decided that Interrupts are "automatically disabled" when Flash operation is on. I was wrong. I missed that and could not figure out why such a feature is needed.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 problem with reading from UART when NOT debugging...
Hi James, Thanks for your help. There are just a few questions I want to clear up regarding this issue. First, the errata mentions this problem happens when the SMCLK is sourced by the internal DCO. If...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: new update of code composer halt the program with exit.c file
[quote user="Khanh Nguyen34"]This is code for my program, wherever i clicked resume when debugging, exit.c file opened by itsel[/quote]CCS sets a breakpoint on the exit() function, where exit() will be...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553 PWM accuracy issues
>Beyond that, you need to install the 32768 Hz Crystal and get more accurate result. ... By calibrating DCO for more or less precise 1MHz or even 16MHz, using 32768 Hz Crystal as frequency...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I2C Bus busy Issue
To use the first USCI37 workaround, read the RXBUF register twice.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 problem with reading from UART when NOT debugging...
Looks like I was hasty. I've changed the code in my application to use LPM0 and it STILL does not work.... Nadav
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