Hi , I am developing in MSP430F5335 + CC2564 with IAR Bluetopia SPPLEDemo_Lite project. In SPPLEDemo_Lite project , it define the Debug UART like the following: /* Configure the UART-USB Port for its default configuration */ HAL_CommConfigure(BT_DEBUG_UART_BASE, BT_DEBUG_UART_BAUDRATE, 0); GPIOPinTypeUART(BT_DEBUG_UART_PIN_BASE, BT_DEBUG_UART_PIN_TX_MASK, BT_DEBUG_UART_PIN_RX_MASK); /* Enable Debug UART Receive Interrupt. */ UARTIntEnableReceive(BT_DEBUG_UART_BASE); And it can measure the for 3.3V on TX. How to turn off and turn on again the UART after UART has been define via above code ? or Which register should I set for turn off when no data needs to be transmit and turn on the UART when it has data needs to be transmit ?