Forum Post: I want to receive a string or a character through UART in...
Following is my routine code to receive a string. void UART_GETSTRING(unsigned char * string, int length) { unsigned int i=0; while(i<length) { string[i]=UART_GETCHAR(); i++; } } unsigned char...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I want to receive a string or a character through UART in...
harish yadav - You need to show your init code to make sure that the GPIO are setup correctly, and that the interrupts(UART and GIE) have been enabled. Go to : Click on Tools...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I want to receive a string or a character through UART in...
This is my init code. void UART_INIT() { P1SEL= RXD+TXD; P1SEL2= RXD+TXD; DCOCTL = 0; // Select lowest DCOx and MODx settings BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; // Set DCO DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; UCA0CTL1 |=...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I want to receive a string or a character through UART in...
What equipment or device is sending the string that you expect to receive? How is your G2552 interfaced (hardware wise) to that equipment or device? For the G2553, I do not see how you initialize the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I want to receive a string or a character through UART in...
I m using hypeterminal to send and receive the character and RS232 communication cable to interface. I have initialized SMCLK using UCA0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2; command in init function. I have initialized...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: ADC10MEM reg giving zero value as adc output
Thank you for such a detailed explanation. I have incorporated all the required changes stated above. One thing that I noticed during the program execution when I intentionally disconnected the analog...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I want to receive a string or a character through UART in...
please help me. I did everything but not receiving any char.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Custom BSL
Hello, Thanks for your valuable reply. I understand it. I have query regarding last question "The factory preprogrammed BSL uses password to unlock most of the BSL function. Without that you can only...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Custom BSL
Hello , Thanks for your valuable answer, "__data20_read_char() is provided in intrinsics.h and should be included in your CCS project, typically through msp430.h or your specific device's header file."...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Need MSP-FET430UIF power down to also disconnect reset pin.
[quote user="Brian Boorman"]TI doesn't provide the source code for the FET.[/quote] [quote user="Bruce Olney"]Do you know the acceptable values for the MSP430_FET_SetSignals() parameters SigMask and...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Hi! Could anybody help me with MSP430FR4133 UART interrupt?
Hi Mike. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I put a jumper between the pins. It came clear that I have to remove RX pin connecting MSP with debugger. It was keeping the voltage level high (approx. 1.3 V) so I...
View ArticleForum Post: CC3200 -locked
Hi, i could see after 2 months or so the cc3200 not getting programmed via UART and also JTAG access in debug mode and see the following error in 3 boards Error connecting to the target: (Error -233 @...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: ADC10MEM reg giving zero value as adc output
When you disconnect an input pin, it "floats" -- it's effectively an antenna, picking up any energy near it. Try jumpering it to GND.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I want to receive a string or a character through UART in...
The last thing UART_INIT does is put the MCU to sleep (CPUOFF). Your program will not proceed from here: 1) RXIE isn't set, so even if a character arrives you won't reach the ISR 2) The ISR doesn't do...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: msp430g2553 stuck coding in switch& interrupt
hi kazola thank you for your reply I can solve It now. It because "P1OUT = 0;" in red statement . Somehow it cause error. I change it to "P1OUT &= ~(BIT5|BIT4|BIT2|BIT1);" and now it work.
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430G2553: Using ADC10 DTC to send result via UART
I'm having some trouble figuring out if the following is even possible. The MSP430G2553 has the ADC10 peripheral with Data Transfer Controller (DTC). I'd like to use the DTC to copy the ADC10MEM...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Custom BSL
I am afraid we have some misunderstanding about "BSL write", "lock/unlock", and "BSL area". On the chip, there is a hardware feature to protect part of the Frame on the chip (with address...
View ArticleForum Post: Generating Sine Wave Signal from MSP430
Dear all, I am planning to design simple pure sine wave using MSP430G2553 launchpad. I have no idea how to generate sine wave. I have followed some link but it is not much helpful generate purely. Is...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553: Using ADC10 DTC to send result via UART
This is a great hack (if it works). My reading is the same as yours -- and does say "anywhere". Unfortunately, my spare G2 Launchpad seems to be dead, so I can't try it. One suggestion: Jumper...
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