Forum Post: RE: TIDM-KEYBOARD Problem
It's 2 out of 10,000 USB reads on a single unit fails (communication/software issue). I will get more information from customer.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 64PIN package fail to connect with JTAG for debugging
Hello Thorsten, It was caused by customer mistake. Now solved already. Please close this session. Thanks. Best regards Jacky
View ArticleForum Post: What is the purpose of Timer32 INTC (composite/combined interrupt)
I understand how the Timer32 interrupts on the MSP432P401R work in detail. What exactly is the purpose of the T32_INTC interrupt? What would one EVER use it for? The only thing I can think of is to...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Unexpected voltage is seen on F5255 DVIO pin
KoT, As you has found the root cause is customer provide 2.5V to IOs which supplided with DVIO 1.8V, I will close this thread, thanks. regards KC
View ArticleForum Post: RE: saving data to an SD Card with MSP430FR5739
Hi Lubabalo, Have you solved your problem? Ling
View ArticleForum Post: RE: CapTIvate - Sensing simultaneously
Hi Yuji, Does my post answer your question? Do you have more questions? Ling
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI communication
Hi when i tried the code example that you provided (MSP430F55xx_uscia0_spi_o9) and made the port settings as per my board design the led is glowing as per case 2. So this indicates that data is...
View ArticleForum Post: AC voltage on analog input pin affects ADC
Hi there, I'm using CC430F5137 and feeding an external clock source to TA0CLK from port mapping. Then I found the 10MHz clock source has an ~1.4v AC voltage output. When this signal is connect to the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432P401R Rev-C, BSL Scripter v3.2.0 can’t access the...
Hello Fatma, I failed these works under you and David advices. 1 BSL Scripter 3.2.0 with MSP-FET Just after BSL Scripter 3.2.0 failed, BSL Scripter 3.1.0 did work correctly. 2 BSL update with CCSv6.2,...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6922 PROGRAMMING THE FRAM
Hi Ryan, As you mentioned, the data is retained after programming. Is the FRAM data still to be retained if the MSP430 is re-flashed by JTAG tool? Jerry
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5255 PMM Errata
KoT, I have to correct my statement above I checked the design database and the behavior on silicon for F5255 and found it is affected by PMM15 as well which means during next ERRATA update cycle the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: UART_UCS in MSP430
Hi PRASANTH S, I found you changed the SELS to be sourced by DCOCLK as well as the SELM, so that the SMCLK and the MCLK should be 16MHz. You can scope the SMCLK output. Wei, MSP Customer Applications.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 adc_uart_dma
Hi PRASANTH S, What's the specification for your application? Did you run the code on your board and test the functions ? If you had done, any bug or issues? Wei, MSP Customer Applications.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 for Smart Lock
Hello Hong, What requirements are needed for the MSP430? Is the the DRV interface is PWM. Most of our MSPs can handle this just fine, but what of the WIFI chip? What interface is required to...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Shift or divide?
[quote]but is it clever enough to "know" divide by 4096 equals shift by 12 bits?[/quote] It's a pretty simple experiment to try it both ways and see what the generated machine code is.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 I2C Master send a NO ACK
I have a similar issue talking to a TMP423A. It requires a NAK at the end of the read , but I am seeing an ACK and a STOP when using MAP_I2C_masterReceiveSingleByte and not a NAK. I can get the data...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Not able to receive character on uart
Nothing jumps out. Have you verified that the voltage at the pin is toggling properly? I.E. is there a serial signal to receive at the MSP430? Is the serial signal the proper baud rate for the MSP to...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Shift or divide?
[quote user="Brian Boorman"] but is it clever enough to "know" divide by 4096 equals shift by 12 bits? It's a pretty simple experiment to try it both ways and see what the generated machine code is....
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Shift or divide?
Often times, that's where the "volatile" keyword can be your friend.
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430FR5969 SPI UCAxTXBUF Question
Hello, I have a question regarding the UCAxTXBUF register on the MSP430FR5969 for use in SPI Slave Mode. If I write to the UCAxTXBUF register, and then after writing to the register I set the UCSWRST...
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