Forum Post: MSP432P401R: different values on ADC0 and ADC1
Part Number: MSP432P401R I'm running the example ADC Project from the TI-RTOS Driver examples, and with the same dc signal applied to ADC0 (P5.5) and ADC1(P5.4) I get different values (ADC1 approx 35x...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432P401R: alignment errors from driverlib
I strongly suspect one can fix this by changing HWREG16 to HWREG8 and that will fix the problem. but its too late at this point for the current version of the ROM. Any plans to rev the rom? [A diff for...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP-CAPT-FR2633: Captivate Design Center - Multi i2c slave...
Hello Walter Thanks for your profound and elaborated answer! This is exactly what i hoped for :) I cant test the work flow now but it looks clear to me. We are aware of the IRQ lines function and will...
View ArticleForum Post: MSP-CAPT-FR2633: CAPTIVATE-ISO Rev B/C - Silkscreen error
Part Number: MSP-CAPT-FR2633 FYI the"CAPTIVATE-ISO Rev C" PCB from the MSP-CAPT-FR2633 Dev Kit has an Silkscreen error on the Target side. RST/TST signals markings are flipped. also found the error in...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2553: MSP430 / MSP432 - external start...
Single core MCU's with interrupt-systems are not good at precise software timings. Instead of bunch of parts "glued" together, why not go with a single "8-core" Parallax Propeller P8X32A You get exact...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Compiler/MSP430G2553: how to correct program to MSP430G2553...
How do you want the part to be programmed?, BSL or SBW? For BSL, I ended up making a small handheld dongle using silabs CP2110 and C# custom loader. As you don't know if part is erased and being...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529: genration of pulse from [1 milli second to 15...
A msp430 need to finish the current instruction before it jumps to a ISR, so you don't know if that is 1-3 cycles away. So switch to hardware TA0CCR0 out, with clever divider options you should be able...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Interrupt Programming
Some IRQ clears the flag by just the hardware just jumping to the ISR, some does it when you read a register, with GPIO's you have to clear it by hand. >Toggle interrupt edge SWITCH DEBOUNCING If it...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: CCS/MSP432P401R: Implement SPI on SPPDemo example
I've updated already. It still doesn't work.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F6765A: PIN.h, PIN_HYSTERESIS, and the buffer
Hi Crizzle, If you are looking for PIN voltage hysteresis, you can find it in MS430F6765A datasheet - 5.8.1 Digital I/Os. regards KC
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F6765A: PIN.h, PIN_HYSTERESIS, and the buffer
Is that the only kind of hysteresis, or is there another mode on the "input buffer" that shares the same name?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529: genration of pulse from [1 milli second to 15...
hello sir, actually problem is this i have to generate pulses of different width on different pins so cannot use hardware TA0CCR0 out.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F169: I2C Master Slave
Hi Jurgen, From your description it looks like the Master not got a ACK but a NACK, possible the I2C address is not match. regards KC
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR5869: Undervoltage Condition
Hi Akash, undervoltage means the voltage is below SVSH-. regards KC
View ArticleForum Post: RE: CCS/MSP432P401R: Implement SPI on SPPDemo example
I'm using custom board. Spi works when I configure spi and use spi before calling "BTPS_init()" function.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5438A: XT1 CLOCK with 32768Hz
Hi NAGA, yes, please refer to MSP430F5438A datasheet 5.15 Crystal Oscillator, XT1, Low-Frequency Mode "Requires external capacitors at both terminals. Values are specified by crystal manufacturers. "...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F169: I2C Master Slave
Hi KC, thank you very much for your answer. Sorry, I have found my mistake. The Master board have an external 8MHz Cristal. An external Cristal is not on the Slave board. So there were timing problems....
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430FR2633: MSP430FR2633(Capacitive touch Development board)...
Part Number: MSP430FR2633 Hello Everyone, I am working on MSP430FR2633 Capacitive touch development board. Using the capacitive touch user guide i have worked on example codes and all the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP-CAPT-FR2633: CAPTIVATE-ISO Rev B/C - Silkscreen error
Hi hpl, Thanks for pointing out this. And so sorry for confusing you with this. I will feedback this error to the related design team. Wei, MSP Customer Application
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Read energy meter data from optical port
Hello Ranjan, Did you find how to implement IEC 62056-21 standart with MSP430? Could you please help me if you have knowledge about IEC62056-21 standart?
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