Forum Post: RE: MSP430F5529 2 ADC12MEM Registers
If you want an interrupt after both values have been converted, you should set only the IE bit for the last register. If you set both IE bits, you get two interrupts. And the interrupt handler must...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529 2 ADC12MEM Registers
yes Clemens, i am taking two anolog signals from p6.0 and p6.4,so i want two interrupts and two seperate data wish two to store in ADCMEM0 n ADC12MEM1. what to do... than you
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529 2 ADC12MEM Registers
You will get two independent data values with one interrupt. The interrupt will fire after the second one was converted. Grab the values from MEM0 and MEM1 for the two channels. Why having more...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529 2 ADC12MEM Registers
#include int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT ADC12CTL0 = ADC12SHT02 + ADC12ON + ADC12MSC; // Sampling time, ADC12 on ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP + ADC12CONSEQ_1; // Use sampling timer...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Commerical use of MSP430G2 LaunchPad Value Line Development kit
>EMC? You have no point to look for _any_ tests of Launchpad - if you are not using original board with original firmware that was subject of tests.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5529 2 ADC12MEM Registers
Mohammad, why don't you simply first test if your code behaves as expected? Reading over someone's code and deciding if everything is correct or not isn't that easy. Of course sometimes you can see big...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: 10mA constant current source independent of load (10 ohm to...
[quote user="Umesh Patil10"] For floating load we can use this simple circuit . It gives 10mA constant over 10-5k load[/quote] You might be able to use it for a load of 10ohms, but not for 5kohms. The...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: 10mA constant current source independent of load (10 ohm to...
Actually in this case load is not grounded so 50V can be maintained across the load . Here R2 is my load and i simulate it for 5K also . It gives exact 10mA constant current. I think for grounded load...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: 10mA constant current source independent of load (10 ohm to...
The problem is the OPAMP in your circuit. For example the LT1006 cannot output -50V (in real life).
View ArticleForum Post: RE: 10mA constant current source independent of load (10 ohm to...
[quote user="Umesh Patil10"]I think for grounded load the supply voltage must be at least 50 V.[/quote] No matter what you do, 10mA through 5kohms is always 50V voltage drop.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: 10mA constant current source independent of load (10 ohm to...
So can you suggest me other op-amp which provide 50V ? I have no idea about how to chose op-amp.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: What's the internal resistor accuracy for the MSP432
Hi David, Thanks for the reply. The reason that I ask this is because customer don't have a 0.1% 91K resister. So we would like to know what result we would expect if we use a 0.5%? 0.2% resistor, is...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: 10mA constant current source independent of load (10 ohm to...
You can do a parametric search for a specific requirement on the manufacturer's homepages.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: 10mA constant current source independent of load (10 ohm to...
Okay thank you very much.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: 10mA constant current source independent of load (10 ohm to...
Usually, every precision OpAmp example is a calculation based and Ohm's law is always in rule: V=I*R.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Reset is not stable, MCU is not power up normally
Your post is almost unreadable, and tells of an unsorted mind. [quote]For example, if one operates a contactor through a relay driven by an MSP430 device,invariably the device resets or malfunctions...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Reset is not stable, MCU is not power up normally
>I HOPE TI UNDERSTANDS AND ACTS Sure they do. Thou you shall not contact TI through forum, but request TI FAE support through your supplier instead.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Reset is not stable, MCU is not power up normally
I do not understand this reply. Are you from TI. AGAIN, INADEQUATE HARDWARE DESIGN, to put it mildly is a unfair criticism, and NOT AN ANSWER, ESPECIALLY IN THE BACKDROP OF : I have clearly mentioned...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Reset is not stable, MCU is not power up normally
ONE OF THE REPUTED SUPPLIER ASKED ME TO POST TO THIS .I have tried through local TI engineer and generally it does need to resolution.I have many an experience in the past
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Reset is not stable, MCU is not power up normally
ONE OF THE REPUTED SUPPLIER ASKED ME TO POST TO THIS .I have tried through local TI engineer and generally it does lead to resolution.I have many an experience in the past
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