Forum Post: RE: MSP432 DMA
Hello Michael, All available MSP432 + DMA examples can be found in MSP432Ware and in the following E2E post ( . Due to the nature of the DMA peripheral, examples have not been...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6989 refernce voltage
[quote user="Ahmed Kamel"]I need to know the effect of reducing the supply voltage on the controller internal reference voltage.[/quote] As long as "reduced supply voltage" is within recommended range,...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Alternative implementation of MSPBoot
The fact that the CPU is capable of Erasing and Writing to Flash makes if possible to include features in you code to modify itself -- deleting existing features that you no longer wish to have, adding...
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430 USB Python
I'm currently using the MSP430 USB Python scripts to program my customer's device over the USB port. it says that the GUI is open source and can be changed with Visual C++ Express. Where do I find the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 AES Encryption using DMA
Hi Thomas, Yes, your assumption is correct and I'm looking into this. Best regards, David
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 Custom Bootloader
Hi Josh, I have been working on a similar example code. [quote user="Josh Adler2"]I assume you need to set the interrupt vector table location and jump to the new start location? How is this best...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 USB Python
Brian, Source for the python script is lcoated in the zip file containing the python script. It should be also included in the main USB Dev Package download. Both can be located here:...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: internal Pull Resistor
It could be problem of I2C software library you use. p.s. Your user name is misleading. Please do something about it.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Error connecting to target : unknow device
Hi Pratiksha, This is a common error that indicates a physical hardware connection failure between the eZ-FET lite and target board. It is centered around the 2-wire JTAG (SBW) communication best...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 Power Consumption
Hi Martin, sorry for delay I had to work on some other things and also had to clarify how to communicate this behavior (in case my assumption is right). As mentioned in this post the flash alignment on...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP-EXP432P401R JTAG T Debug Probe With a Different Target
Hello Jose, Please see the following E2E Post: The process is a little different with the black version of the MSP432 LP.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Using External Crystal on MSP432 Launchpad using RTL OS
Hello Romain, The revision I am referring to is a hardware change, marked on the MSP432 silicon itself. It would also be great to know which version of MSP432Ware/DriverLib you are using. Enabling an...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Using External Crystal on MSP432 Launchpad using RTL OS
Good Morning Ryan, I'm using Rev B on both launchpads, with driverlib v3_10_00_09 I'll try your solution, guess this is the only way finding something :) However cs_hfxt_start.c works yeah, but if i...
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430Gxx series MCU selection help
My application need one Capacitive Touch buttom, three PWM signal, one I2C, which MSP430Gxx series MCU could be selected. Does MSP430G2233 could achieve these function.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430Gxx series MCU selection help
Three PWM shall be phase-sychronous? What PWM frequency you are looking for? 244Hz ok or not?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: internal Pull Resistor
hi Ilmars, Thanks for reply Can u Please suggest me good softI2C library (P1.7 SDA,P1.6 SCL) and internal pull ups are used. regards, Krishna.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430 USB Python
Thanks, I have downloaded that package. not sure which project is for the GUI? I tried loading and compiling testgui.vcproj. I get an error right away, can't find file fx.h. should this file be in the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Unable to use MSP-FET as BSL tool for programming...
NIrmal, I have now been able to program the FR5739 FraunchPad with MSP-FET using BSL-Scripter. Please see the following simple script for details. Also, please check HW connections between Fraunchpad...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Using External Crystal on MSP432 Launchpad using RTL OS
Hi Romain, You could attempt updating to DriverLib v3_21_00_05 as this could resolve a bug affecting your device. It is strange that calling the CS_enableFault function creates an NMI handler issue...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Using External Crystal on MSP432 Launchpad using RTL OS
Yeah I meant this whole group cause the interruption CS_enableFaultCounter(CS_HFXT_FAULT_COUNTER); CS_startFaultCounter(CS_HFXT_FAULT_COUNTER,CS_FAULT_COUNTER_4096_CYCLES);...
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