Forum Post: RE: MSP432 - ADC value too high
Hi Giuliano, A bug has recently been filed concerning the ADCMSP432_convertRawToMicroVolts function: Is your raw value incorrect or just the value returned by the function? Under...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5419 Bootloader question
Hi Paul, This is strange, especially since the circuitry hasn't changed. Perhaps, this is a timing issue on the entry sequence or a parity issue? Since this is a different board, it could be running...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5528 + RTC clock 32.768KHz
Hi Dietmar Walther, Thanks very much: I tested the example code of TI (MSP430F55xx_Code_Examples), it working perfect. Thanks very much.
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430F5528 + BSL
Hi every body. I want to protect my code but I don't know how I can make for set the user password for BSL.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5528 + BSL
This thread has some helpful discussion about this topic. Regards, James MSP Customer Applications
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Self programming the msp430fr
i ran into a problem.. i decided to wipe the memory first.. and it stopped working.. i track the problem down to the << shift call.. if i wipe the memory msp430 function for shift gets wiped......
View ArticleForum Post: RE: EnergyTrace error
Hi, There are 2 similar files in the mentioned folder: " EnergyTrace _MSP432_XDS110.ccxml" and " EnergyTrace _RF432_XDS110.ccxml". Please check that only the "RF432" one is removed and keep the...
View ArticleForum Post: Wake up MSP430 or MSP432 via resistive touch screen?
Hi folks, I'm working on a low-power, battery-based application that will have a small (QVGA) LCD, along with a resistive touch screen. Our customer really doesn't want any buttons, so I am trying to...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: error while installing msp430-tools to python on windows 7
Hi Khar, This seems to be a bug (discussed here ). The workaround seems to adding the '.py' extension to the script paths in ''. I've attached a patch below for your reference (found here )....
View ArticleForum Post: RE: emeter 6779 - CT phase calibration
I found out that by using a different CT there is much less phase shift. In my calibration I get a skew of the power factor around 1. See results. How would I compensate for this? Calibration Source...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Wake up MSP430 or MSP432 via resistive touch screen?
Hi Scott, I'd recommend reading through the 4-Wire and 8-Wire Resistive Touch-Screen Controller Using the MSP430 app note, since it discusses exactly what you're wanting to do. More specifically,...
View ArticleForum Post: Thank you, TI.
Thank you TI for your great products. I cannot imagine anything more advanced in terms of precise features and power consumption. With your technologies I realized what does it mean nanotechnology, a...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Wake up MSP430 or MSP432 via resistive touch screen?
James, this is great info. I confess I do not know anything about CapTIvate, or whether it applies to our situation, but can do some more reading. At any rate, the wake on pin change probably gets me...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Keypad for Msp430g2553
In your current code, you are not setting P2 pins in a way that could cause contention. The code is okay in that respect. But I think the way you read the P1 input is incorrect. for example, your have:...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2 Launchpad board not recognized when creating new...
Hi Curtis, Which version of CCS are you using? You mentioned that you did a reinstall, but I wasn't sure if you meant a reinstall of an older version or an install of the latest version. Regards, James...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: BSL + msp430F5528
You can erase BSL. BSL flash area must be unlocked first.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Wake up MSP430 or MSP432 via resistive touch screen?
Hi Scott, Happy to help. If you have any questions about CapTIvate, feel free to start a new thread. Regards, James MSP Customer Applications
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Thank you, TI.
Hi Alexey, Thank you for sharing this feedback with us. It's great to hear, and we really appreciate it! Like in the thread below, feedback about our products from users like you will help them...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2 Launchpad board not recognized when creating new...
I did a get of the Latest version of CSS and have since used the 'Check for Updates' option and have the very latest of all parts of CSS. Also, I have the very latest release of Energia , which is...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2 Launchpad board not recognized when creating new...
Hi Curtis, Let's make sure CCS can detect/program the 28-pin device first. Assuming you have installed MSPWare , inside CCS, go to "View" -> "TI Resource Explorer" and search for " MSP430G2553 "....
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