Hello, TI Experts, I got CAPTIVATE-MSP432 Software(tidcco2.zip) from http://www.ti.com/tool/TIDM-CAPTIVATE-MSP432 . But importing(project->import CCS project) "CAPTIVATE-FR2633_PHONE_UART_Demo" to CCS failed with Error as follows; Error: Import failed for project 'CAPTIVATE-FR2633_PHONE_UART_Demo' because its compiler definition is not available. Please install the MSP430v16.3 compiler before importing this project - click 'View > CCS App Center' to check if compiler updates are available, or install the compiler manually and register it with CCS through 'Preferences > CCS > Build > Compilers'. I checked CCS version as follows; CCS:Version: MSP430 Compiler Tools 16.9.0 Do you have same experience ? I would appreciate if you tell us how to solve this issue. Best regards,