Forum Post: RE: Need support for MSP432, GDB_AGENT, using msp-fet
[quote user="Edward Fewell"] The XDS110 can be used via the CMSIS-DAP support already in OpenOCD (be sure to use 0.9 or later, the performance in 0.8 was very poor). Native support for XDS110 is in...
View ArticleForum Post: how do I download firmware to MSP430F5529 on my PCB
Hello, I have been using the MSP430F5529 Launchpad and firmware download is pretty straight forward via USB. Now, I'd like to build my own PCB. How will I be able to download my firmware to it? Is...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: FRAM CTPL Library not operating properly after coming out of...
Hi Jim, It looks like there were a few errors in translating the CTPL_LPM_DEBUG code from CCS assembly syntax to IAR. The attached "ctpl_low_level_macros.m43" should now be correct, I'm able to compile...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: printf support for CCSv6 - garbage on monitor
YA.... UCBRSx is not defined in the example. When I add it to the if statement it just give me an error. Rightly so... As it is undefined. I am looking at section 36.3.13. Table 36-5 of SLAU208O and...
View ArticleForum Post: MSP432P401R Rev-C, How to invoke the entry sequence of MSP-FET
Hello, Our customer has asked how to use the UART BSL of MSP432P401R Rev-C. So I’ve been investigating about the BSL procedures and I found out I can’t invoke the BSL entry sequence of MSP-FET . I...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: how do I download firmware to MSP430F5529 on my PCB
Yes, you can do that. Make a header on your target board with VCC, GND, SBWTCK, and SBWTDIO. On the Launchpad, pull off the jumpers that connect the FET side to the Target side (across the dotted line...
View ArticleForum Post: CapTIvate: about TIDM-CAPTIVATE-MSP432
Hello, TI Experts, I got CAPTIVATE-MSP432 Software( from . But importing(project->import CCS project) "CAPTIVATE-FR2633_PHONE_UART_Demo" to...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6972 FRAM question
thank you very much,Is "lnk430fr6972.xcl" the linker's map file ? I found the code is following, the 4400h-FF7Fh is protected ,So I couldn't write the address could it? // ---------------------------...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6972 CHECK FUSE FAIL
Thanks ! My code is same as the slau320,such as follows: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! \brief Function to take target device under JTAG control....
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432P401R LaunchPad 14bit ADC 1Msps using DMA looks 3%...
Thank you very much! I'll try "adc14_single_conversion_repeat_timera_source_02.c"
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6972 CHECK FUSE FAIL
You mean that the CPU is in LPMx.5? If the CPU is in LPM4.5, the JTAG port is locked , and cann't get the JtagId. Sometimes I can pass through the" IsLockKeyProgrammed()" function ,then erase and...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6972 CHECK FUSE FAIL
You mean that the CPU is in LPMx.5? If the CPU is in LPM4.5, the JTAG port is locked , and cann't get the JtagId. Sometimes I can pass through the" IsLockKeyProgrammed()" function ,then erase and...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6972 CHECK FUSE FAIL
I have used the " FET-Pro430 Elprotronic" to download the code. It can successfully download the code everytime. And I have monitor the " FET-Pro430 Elprotronic", it also checked that the fuse is...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: LEA Driver Library examples don't compile
If anyone else runs into this, I built a "DSPLib_lea_renames.h" file which I can post.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6972 CHECK FUSE FAIL
The follow pic is the Pro430 diagram: The fuse check is "STATUS_FUSEBLOWN", then the following flow is as follows:
View ArticleForum Post: RE: LEA Driver Library examples don't compile
FWIW, I've recently been doing a FFT project based on one of the example projects (I think it was SLAA698A). I have DriverLib 2.80, and MSPWare 2.30, and MSP430Ware 3.60 floating around on my system....
View ArticleForum Post: RE: rx8025 RTC with MSP430F5XXX using I2C
Hi Ryan, I have modified the source code as below: void main( void ) { struct rtc_time tmp, gettime; P3SEL |= 0x03; // Assign I2C pins to USCI_B0 UCB0CTL1 |= UCSWRST; // Enable SW reset UCB0CTL0 =...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR6972 CHECK FUSE FAIL
The upper pic is at the green and red circles, but the following process I don't know.
View ArticleForum Post: Change pins in custom BSL(msp430f5438a)
Hi We are using msp430f5438a for our application. We want to use pin 10.4/10.5 to program firmware when in BSL mode. I have read both "Creating a Custom Flash-Based Bootstrap Loader (BSL)" and "MSP430...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F5132 Programming
Hi, Sorry for late response but here is the link. Regards, Izham Reger
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