Forum Post: RE: SPI communication Between MSP430F5529LP
Moving the post to the right forum. Shlomi
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Msp430g2553 ADC clock division
HI Caleb ' Thanks a lot . your answer is appreciated . I have anther question about the timer clock . the code i use as follows CCTL0 = CCIE; // CCR0 interrupt enabled CCR0 = 80 ; TACTL = TASSEL_2 +...
View ArticleForum Post: Any user guide for MSP430G2513 ?
Hi, Since MSP430G2513 had 2 timer A and no Timer B, is the standard family user guide is applicable to MSP430G2513 as well? Any specific guide out there for MSP430G2513 ? Thanks, Christina
View ArticleForum Post: RE: CAPTIVATEH
For example the pin that has TA0.1 as special function. Or TA0.2 or TA1.1 or TA1.2.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Any user guide for MSP430G2513 ?
The device is covered by the MSP430x2xx Family User's Guide . It shares a datasheet with the MSP430G2x53 devices.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI communication Between MSP430F5529LP
To insert code so that it is readable, use the "Insert Code" button. There is a problem in this line: while (!(UCB0IFG&UCTXIFG)) ; //hold until transmit finish The comment is wrong; the TXIFG bit...
Hello , I'm using MSP430F5131 , my project is to output a 1 pulse per second through P2.4 by 12.8MHz external oscillator. I have defined TD0CCR0=16000-1; (devided 12.8MHz by 8 ) . I have compiled the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Any user guide for MSP430G2513 ?
Hi Dennis, In this case, the “slau144j - MSP430x2xx Family User’s Guide” is a (super set) user’s guide covers MSP430x2xx family MCUs, explaining all the architecture, peripherals, registers, etc of the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Any user guide for MSP430G2513 ?
Yes, the datasheet for a device always overrules the user's guide. If the user's guide explains function A to D that can be available at any device of the product group, but the datasheet for a...
Hi Omer! It would be easier if you would use the Syntaxhighlighter for posting code: #include #include unsigned int timerCount = 0; int main( void ) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI communication Between MSP430F5529LP
okay, thank you for your response. can i write that following way? while (!(UCB0IFG&UCRXIFG)) ; //hold until receive finish
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI communication Between MSP430F5529LP
Yes, but you have to be sure that the flag was cleared before. The flag gets cleared if you clear it yourself or if the RX buffer was read. To be sure you can write: UCB0IFG &= ~UCRXIFG; UCB0TXBUF...
View ArticleForum Post: IQMath Source Code
I was wondering if there is anywhere where I can find the source for IQMath. I found the source of driverlib which helped a lot and now it would help to have this source as well.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430F6736: MSP430: File Loader: Verification failed:...
Caleb, * > What device revision is the customer using? Two failing samples and both are Rev-A. > What debugger are they using? MSP-FETs. They have two units. Both works finely in daily use. >...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI communication Between MSP430F5529LP
after changed that ...... i can't get solution .. so please let me know
View ArticleForum Post: RE: SPI communication Between MSP430F5529LP
i have tried both but i can't getting right result. so please rearrange my master and slave device program and post me.
View ArticleForum Post: Are pads H1 and G1 on MSP320FG6626 AVCC or DVCC?
There are two packages for the MSP430FG6626 : PZ (110 pins) and ZQW (113 ball micro BGA). Table 4.2 of the datasheet for this part lists a row where: PZ pin 16 and ZQW pads H1 and G2 are listed as...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Are pads H1 and G1 on MSP320FG6626 AVCC or DVCC?
Sorry the title should say MSP430FG6626 .
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Wakeup time from LPM0 and LPM1
Do you mean wakeup time from LPM0/1 are ALWAYS ~5us regardless PMM configuration(OFF, Normal or full-performance) ? Thanks and regards, KoT
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