Forum Post: RE: MSP432 RTC example
If there isn't problem i would be interested to answer because i need the same information. Furthermore is there possiblity to set an interrupt every second and not every minute? thanks
View ArticleForum Post: MSP432 LaunchPad V2 with EDUMKII running Keil uvision V5.20 and...
I've tried all the examples (except for Microphone FFT who’s code size was to big for Keil) and never see any output on the LCD. I've copied the LCD data to the Serial channel and see the applications...
View ArticleForum Post: Weird I2C bus activity
I tried to use the I2C of MSP430F6736 as the master I2C device. I found very weird stuff during the code debugging. I could see the SCL line has the 9 clock pulse. I also could see the start bit in the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 LaunchPad V2 with EDUMKII running Keil uvision V5.20...
Question 2: CS->KEY is init in the MAP_* functions (from driverlib\cs.c).
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 LaunchPad V2 with EDUMKII running Keil uvision V5.20...
Sorry, not Question 2 but question 1 has CS->KEY initialized.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: measuring current in sleep mode
thank you for ur reply... I have initialized the clock frequency ...even then for LPM4 i'm not getting current value as 0.1 uA getting 50 micro is my code #include #define LED0 BIT0 #define...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: THD Calculation MSP430F779
Hello old_cow_yellow , It means 5000 samples/second Frequency is 50Hz so for each wave I get 100 samples. I was doing 16 point FFT so I select 16 samples from 100 samples wave like (1st,6th,13th..etc)...
View ArticleForum Post: MSP432 RTC Interrupt
Hi, i'm using rtc interrupt to have an event every 1 minute (default setting of rtc is minute changed event). It works and i have no problem. Is it possible using rtc interrupt for second changed...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: measuring current in sleep mode
"P1DIR = 0x00" makes all pins inputs, which is the default anyway. For how to initialize the unused pins, see section 2.5 of the User's Guide.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Weird I2C bus activity
A missing ACK typically indicates a wrong address. In this case, address 0x00 is not a valid anyway (it's the General Call address, which almost no device implements). Apparently, you did not configure...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: I2C problem with second data burst.
The master must NACK the last received byte. This requires that you set UCTXSTP before reading the last byte from RXBUF (see section of the User's Guide).
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Timers and PWM - MSP430G2553
I am going to try the same thing like you but using two IR 2104 MOSFET Driver for a H-brigde construction. Like usual for H-bridge I'd linke to change the direction of the motor rotation. + ___|___ | |...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP432 LaunchPad V2 with EDUMKII running Keil uvision V5.20...
I've updated _main to try and configure the mclk and smclk to 48 & 16MHz respectively, adding the SysTick LED blink and updating the UART BAUD rate for the smclk freq. #ifdef _ORIGINAL_ /* Set the...
View ArticleForum Post: EXTERNAL INTERRUPT priority VS TIMER INTERRUPT priority
hi, i am using msp430f6779 controller. in which i am displaying a block of seven segment using timer interrupt per 4 milli second. i am also using an external adc to read data. when adc completes the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Cannot initialise an array in uVision with msp432!
[quote user="Chester Gillon"]Will try your example of initialized global variables when get access to a MSP432.[/quote]I added the following to the Blinky example, and added a reference to the array to...
View ArticleForum Post: Equivalent components from Texas Instruments?
Im working on a project for the disabled persons which recogonises the breathe patterns and simulates them as words with certain algorithms, Now TEXAS INSTRUMENTS have come up to fund me by providing...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: THD Calculation MSP430F779
[quote user="ABHISHEK PARIKH"]I was doing 16 point FFT so I select 16 samples from 100 samples wave like (1st,6th,13th..etc) So I get 16 point FFT response. [/quote] That means your effective sampling...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: EXTERNAL INTERRUPT priority VS TIMER INTERRUPT priority
No, the interrupts will not "clash" with each other. However, you may run out of CPU cycles to handle all the interrupts all the time. This depends on how often the interrupts are generated, how many...
View ArticleForum Post: ez430-f2013 - writing flash from a visual studios app.
is there a driver etc. that will allow me to write to flash via the ez430-f2013 USB interface? I would like to give users the ability to customize the their display without exiting the user...
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