Forum Post: RE: Help? "MSP430: Error initializing emulator: Could not find...
Try every usb ports that your pc has. I solved the problem by this way.
View ArticleForum Post: clock cycles reading data from RAM
hi i'm trying to make an PWM of an sine wave, i'm going to save my look_up table in the RAM of the MSP430G2553 . i'm going to use one timer in up/down mode, the register TA0CCR0, will be fixed, to set...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2230 with external reference?
Hello Ryan, it is not completely clear, P1.3 and P1.4 are not available on MSP430G2230 . Regards, Holger
View ArticleForum Post: Target error TMDSSOLARCEXPKIT
Hello TI community, Recently I have purchased the concerto based solar explorer kit online to help with a school project. During the past two weeks I have been trying to connect the board, using the...
View ArticleForum Post: Upload a hex file with MSP430 Flasher
Dear Responsible Ä° have a board with MSP430F4152IPMR.And Ä° have a MSP-FET .My old partner would upload my hex file to my chip by CCS.Now Ä° would like to upload my hex file to my chip by MSP430...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2230 with external reference?
You are correct Holger, I have requested for further details/information. Regards, Ryan
View ArticleForum Post: How to correctly define a name to a output port bit.
I have used names such as Red_LED to turn on and off a port bit by assigning a 1 or 0; Red_LED=1; or Red_LED=0. with the old Archelon compiler. I'm now using CCS-6.1.3 and it seems to only sometimes...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: clock cycles reading data from RAM
The chip does not know nor care about c-code. It can only run machine code. The c-compiler translates c-code into machine code. But there is no deterministic way of doing so. As a result there is no...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR5969 hardware problem at 16MHz
Olli, It seems your symptom are described within the errata you pointed out. Thanks for the add investigation for this issue.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: CLOCK FREQUENCY ON MSP430F5438A
This is explained in 5xx/6xx family datasheet (slau208) in chapter 5 UCS. Also there are open source examples for your device (on device TI web page). Frequency for each can be sent to device pin and...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MCU does not return from ISR
> TA0CTL = TASSEL_1 + MC_1 + TAIE + TACLR; If you want to use TAIE here (my guess is that you don't) you need to define a TIMER0_A1_VECTOR; similarly for TA1. See also SLAU208O sec 17.2.6.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430_ADC
Hi Prasanth, According to the MSp430F5438A datasheet, section 5.36, fACD12CLK = 5MHz. Conversion rate is up to 200ksps. Thanks, Mitchell
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Problem communicating with UART on the MSP430G2553
Can you tell me the difference between software and hardware UART?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR5969 hardware problem at 16MHz
Yes, it's described there but the problem is that the workaround provided does not seem to work. If you check my code you can see that the clock init is copied from your errata. Could you verify on...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR2032 | FLL settling when referenced to REFO
Since they are using the FLL to trim the DCO to 16 MHz, I suggested to them that they seed the DCO with the 16 MHz calibration value found in the device descriptor. The sped up the FLL lock time by a...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR2032 | FLL settling when referenced to REFO
Steve, That sounds like a great idea. Any issues from customer side on this approach?
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430FR2032 | FLL settling when referenced to REFO
No, so far they are thrilled with the improvement. But they continue to test.
View ArticleForum Post: RE: MSP430G2452 Software UART Communication
Hi, I'm not seeing the same behavior you describe in your code. Even with the CCR2 register populated and firing interrupts. How are you echoing back the data? In your code you are echoing back...
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