Forum Post: RE: MSP430F5419 Bootloader question
James, The BSL code might assume that the system and peripheral register have the same setting after a BOR (which includes a fresh power up of the chip). This can be called a bug; when an application...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Old code does not compile with latest CCS and MSPWare...
Hello David, I created an empty project in CCS and copied the files of the project you sent me into that empty project. I different compilation errors now. Here are the console messages:- ****...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Old code does not compile with latest CCS and MSPWare...
Hi David, I tried importing the project and it works now. Could you please guide me through all the steps you took to make this project work? This project covers use of UART, however, there are other...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Launchpad acts differently when in debug mode vs battery powered
Hi Ryan, Thanks for the input. This actually didn't fix my problem though. I changed the following lines in my code in the ADC_Setup: ADC10CTL0 = SREF_1 + REFON + ADC10SHT_2 + ADC10ON + ADC10IE; //...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: LEA Driver Library examples don't compile
I don't see the fixed defines in MSP430Ware_3_50_00_04 (the latest). Is it just me? If I add the 3 defines as suggested by someone above, it compiles. Meanwhile, after adding the defines, I'm now...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: LEA Driver Library examples don't compile
Evan indicated above that the latest MSPWare would fix it, but it doesn't seem to. Is it just me? Manually adding the missing defines allows it to compile, although now I'm getting "exceeds code size...
View ArticleForum Post: Question Regarding JTAG and SPI interface to MSP430G2553 20 pin...
Hello, I am new in hardware designer. I want to design a Prototype design with MSP430G2553 . I try to design a schematic with MSP430G2553 and All the pin and almost covered. I want use JTAG interface...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Failed to Load CPU Core Driver
Hello Shree, I had got the same problem as yours. Have you solved this problem? If you have solved it. Could you tell me the method? Best Regards, Li
View ArticleForum Post: TMS320F2812 in CCS V5.3 throws a fatal error #5 could not open...
Hi, I am new to TMS320F2812 eZDSP. To start with i tried to do the LED blink program. It has the header saying - " #include "DSP281x_Device.h" // DSP281x Headerfile Include File " I copied the source...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: LEA Driver Library examples don't compile
Sorry for the duplicate msgs - I didn't realize that replies are moderated. And, the code size issue was because I hadn't pointed CCS to my license file... Whoops. Still curious about the defines. Pete
View ArticleForum Post: what is the difference between RTC_C and RTC_D in the msp430?
I want to know what is the difference between RTC_C and RTC_D in the msp430. And the RTC_D is just available in CC430, no sample code in MSP430ware. So I want to know is the RTC_C sample in the...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: what is the difference between RTC_C and RTC_D in the msp430?
The properties of these modules are listed in the chapers "RTC Overview" in the respective User's Guides. If you are using any feature not in common with the RTC_C module, you have to look at the code...
View ArticleForum Post: How to disable compiler recommendations /remarks
"C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/msp430_15.12.3.LTS/bin/cl430" -DBOARD_MSP430_XXXX -vmsp --use_hw_mpy=none --include_path="C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include"...
View ArticleForum Post: CCS6.2 How to change C comment color
My .c files open and the comment lines (multi and single) are sent to green. I have googled how to change, but I don't see the settings for the C/C++ in my Preferences. Under...
View ArticleForum Post: EXP430G2 (2553) problem with ACLK
Hello, I am noticing some strange behavior with the G2553 when selecting ACLK as clock source for timer1. Timer0 can use ACLK as clock source but its output is affected if timer1 also uses ACLK; timer1...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Question Regarding JTAG and SPI interface to MSP430G2553 20...
All this pins are related to full JTAG (not SBW), and they can be used as output pins without problems. Still, SBW can be used for flashing device.
View ArticleForum Post: MSP430G2955 and LanuchPad Value Line
Hello, i am trying to programing MSP430G2955 through Launchpad Value Line and msp430-gcc and mspgdb proxy. But is not work... "Device not found" MCU is on the external board, and DVCC + AVCC is wiring...
I really need some help on how to use this on MS432 launchpad like proper pinning/connecting and other things. Im really new on MSP432 btw
View ArticleForum Post: Energy trace+ does not generate data
MCU:MSP432.I debuggered the example project code“pcm_power_state_change”,Energ trace+ did not generate any data,when application was to deal with it.. the start and stop of Energ trace+ is ok.
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